
Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

ABC News is All Biased ?n Shit
2009-06-19 09:19:00
That was the cry that arose from the depths of the conservative blogosphere/twittersphere when it was revealed that ABC News would be airing an hourlong special on healthcare reform from the *gasp* White House. Infomercial! Journalism is dead! Unprecedented! [HTML1] It's always good to know the facts before you go all ...
ABC News Interviews Survival Acres - Experts Agree, Life Ends in 2100
2009-06-02 04:34:00
Wouldn’t that be nice? Hah, hah, not quite. But they did finally publish something that I’ve been saying over and over and over again for the past few years: It’s an idea that most of us would rather not face — that within the next century, life as we know it could come to ...
ABC News Outs CIA Employees
2009-05-01 02:41:00
Astounded. That’s the only word I can use to describe the latest bit of treason (yes, I did use that word, and I meant it) coming from the Old-School Media (I refuse to refer to them as “mainstream” anymore). ABC News has a lengthy expose on two psychologists who helped develop the interrogation TTPs for ...
ABC News Shocker: The ?All Time Dumb Quotes? Are All From Republicans
2009-01-03 07:21:00
-By Warner Todd Huston Looks like ABC News is starting out 2009 with a partisan bang. On its main page, ABC News is hosting a slide show featuring what it is calling the “All Time Dumb Quotes.” Now, these are not all strictly political dumb quotes, to be sure. They also have the empty headed Christina ...
ABC News goes stupid
2008-09-21 01:52:00
Well I suppose one doesn’t need to study biology to get a degree in journalism.   I supppose it would prevent stupid stories like the one, Jeffery Diamond, ABC News: A transgendered woman, who lost a job offer because of her sexual status, has won a potentially groundbreaking federal sex discrimination lawsuit. A federal court judge ruled today that Diane Schroer, a transgendered woman, was discriminated against when the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., offered then rescinded a job because of her sexual status. Diane Schroer was born David Schroer. and served twenty-five years in the U.S Army, as a male.   Schroer was born a male, is a male and will die a male.   Sex is immutable. Sadly stupidity is not limited to journalistd   The judge is also mind boogling stupid as well: The American Civil Liberties Union, which represented Schroer, said Judge James Robertson’s ruling is the first to hold that the federal sex discrimination statute, Title VII of the 1...
Sarah Palin In ABC News Interview: It Might Just Be Time To Go Kick Some Ru
2008-09-12 01:44:00
UPDATE BELOW (ATTN., ANDREW SULLIVAN AND READERS), 11:30 PM, CST — Friday, 12SEP08… Sarah Palin Warns Charles Gibson She, Too Is A “Hardliner” “You mess with the USA or our allies and you get your BUTT KICKED up around your ears!” has been the mantra of both... This is only a comment summary. Visit to view the lastest content complete with some of the most outrageous original photoshops in the political blogosphere!
Palin Would Attack Russia - ABC News Interview
2008-09-12 01:09:00
In released text of the interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson, Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential Cadidate Sarah Palin was led into an answer regarding the U.S. involvement in the Russian / Georgian conflict that revealed her lack of gravitas in thinking about and discussing foreign policy issues.  Palin pointed to the need to attack Russia as an option.  But in fairness, Palin quickly backpedaled to explain that other forms of punishGive Gibson credit for leading Palin rather than outright challenging her in a way that the McCain camp could consider sexist or bullying.  He showed that he's a real pro.  Here's the text: 
ABC News: The Volt Revealed
2008-08-13 19:38:00
This is interesting - I have been tracking several "green" developments on this site and in this blog with a special interest in future performance applications of electrically-powered cars (remember that an electric motor makes tremendous torque - and delivers all of it instantaneously). The future is electric and hydrogen... probably in that order. And the sooner we get a performance variation of these vehicles the sooner the general population of driving enthusiasts will embrace this powerful technology. Look for for us to start a "Green Performance" section on the network in the near future.
ABC News On John McCain TV Ad "Celeb" VIDEO
2008-08-02 01:24:00
"Today, McCain unveiled a new ad in eleven states, flashing images of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, suggesting Obama is just another vapid celebrity."-- ABC's David WrightABC's "World News" July 30, 2008ABC's David Wright: "And today, McCain comparing Obama to empty celebrities, all sizzle, no substance. John McCain has been trying to raise doubts about his opponent. Today in Colorado, he was at it again."John McCain: "The bottom line is that Senator Obama's words, for all their eloquence and passion, don't mean all that much."Wright: "McCain has recently said Obama would rather lose a war to win an election. He's called him 'Dr. No' on energy reforms, and run ads blaming Obama for high gas prices."McCain Ad: "He's the biggest celebrity in the world. But is he ready to lead?"Wright: "Today, McCain unveiled a new ad in eleven states, flashing images of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, suggesting Obama is just another vapid celebrity."McCain Ad: "Higher taxes, more foreign...
ABC News: Clinton Concedes Democratic Nomination; Obama Lead
2008-06-07 20:21:00
Sen. Hillary Clinton conceded the Democratic nomination to Sen. Barack Obama on Saturday in Washington, ending her presidential campaign, flanked by supporters Saturday in Washington, D.C., and endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., for president.(AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)"The way to continue our fight now..... (more) read more | digg story [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Four ABC News Reporters Collaborate To “Report” The “Shoc
2008-05-15 08:13:00
Question: WHY Does It Take FOUR Mainstream Media (”MSM”) Reporters To Announce A “Has-Been’s”- Endorsement Of A Presidential Hopeful? The headline tonight at ABC News‘ “Political Radar” SCREAMS: “Edwards To Endorse Obama“. Despite the FACT Mr. Ambulance Chaser Edwards’ endoresment was seen on LIVE TV by MILLIONS, it STILL took four (count ‘em — Kate Snow, Raelyn Johnson, Sunlen Miller, and Rick Klein — that’s FOUR) ABC News MSM reporters to collaborate, fact-check, and, ULTIMATELY, bring this so-called “breaking nooz” to the public. One can only guess: Kate Snow watched the endorsement live while recording it on her DVR. She phoned Raelyn Johnson, said, “You’ve GOTTA see this SH*&!!!!“. Raelyn jumps into her hybrid and guns the throttle, maxing it out doing 40 in a 35 MPH zone to Kate’s apartment. Shocked at the video, she phones Sunlen Miller who veri...
Powerset Unveils Test Version of Google-killer - ABC News
2008-05-13 05:04:00
As such, Powerset's search engine holds the promise of fundamentally changing people's expectations for search engines by, in theory, offering a smarter, more efficient experience. However,... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
ABC News This Weak
2008-05-02 00:17:00
Former Bill Clinton puppet George Stephanopoulos's seamless segue into Tee Vee news pays off big time for Hillary in the 11th hour before Tuesday's primaries. ABC News props him up as the front man for a Hillary "town hall meeting." One Repub wag tells Matt Drudge: " We look forward to ABC holding the next town hall meeting with President Bush, hosted by Karl Rove!" Stephanopoulos should be banned from moderating anything after that disasterous ABC News debate where the fix for Hillary appeared to be in...
1979 ABC News Report on Government Mind Control
2008-05-01 06:37:00
Hear for yourself this CIA program had some very cryptic associations and involvement with mind control experiments.
Brazil air force halts search for priest - ABC News
2008-04-27 19:07:00
Annual hot air ballooning festival takes flight in Sri Lanka. Brazil's air force on Thursday suspended its search for a Roman Catholic priest who vanished after sailing into the air under a... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Clinton Continues Dishonest Campaign?This Time Misrepresenting ABC News
2008-04-23 23:35:00
Being far behind Obama by any meaningful measure, the Clinton campaign continues to twist reports to try to claim a lead. They are again stressing popular vote, despite actually being behind. Jake Tapper writes that in making this claim Clinton Camp Misrepresents ABC News Report. Besides being incorrect, the race is based upon delegates, not popular ...
ABC News? Bob Woodruff To Anchor Planet Green Newscast
2008-04-23 21:38:00
In an effort to broaden the scope of their green programming, Discovery Channel announced this afternoon that Bob Woodruff from ABC News will anchor a weekly newscast on Planet Green. Slated to premiere in July (the network itself launches in June), “eco-cast” — as it is tentatively called — will be produced by ABC News ...
Confederate Yankee Blows the Lid Off False ABC News Claim: U.S. Supplying G
2008-04-23 19:44:00
If a store routinely cheats its customers, its customers begin to go elsewhere. If the district attorney gets wind of the cheating, a criminal prosecution can result. It?s only in the wonderful world of TV news, however, that lying and cheating seem to have very limited repercussions. People like you and me have already gone ...
Robert Kiyosaki on ABC News
2008-04-23 07:03:00
Robert Kiyosaki appeared on ABC New in April to teach audience how to get smart with their Money. Click on the image below to launch the video:  
2008-04-23 02:00:00
We guess that they don't make shadows and voice changing software well enough to fool the trained eyes and ears of your own mother. A hooker who appeared on Diane...
ABC News: Mexican Drug Violence U.S. Constitution?s Fault
2008-04-23 00:00:00
-By Warner Todd Huston True to the liberal penchant for blaming every ill in the world on the USA, ABC News has produced a "report" claiming that the increasing number of guns and drug cartel violence in Mexico is all the fault of... the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That's ...
ABC News Was being RACIST! lol!
2008-04-17 16:00:00
From the blog Tennessee Guerilla Women - Apparently not Obama fans, LOL!  “In the 10,000+ comments at ABC News, we learn that Obamabots WILL NEVAH EVAH WATCH ABC NEWS AGAIN!!!Initial withering assessments of The Horrid and Shameful National Disgrace that has been wrongfully Imposed upon Poor Poor Prince Obama follow: Riverdaughter: “Hillary Battles for Dem Nomination with Incoherent ...
ABC= Assault Black Candidate Obama Smeared by ABC News In Debate
2008-04-17 13:47:00
Once again, ABC News showed its biased and unprofessional approach in this election year with a debate last night that seemed not to be that at all, but an attempt to assault Senator Barack Obama. Charlie Gibson and George Stephanapolos should be fired for this. They were terrible. It's a good think Obama weathered the storm, but this was supposed to be a debate anyway.
ABC News Presidential Debate: You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Wa
2008-04-17 05:10:00
After watching that ABC News presidential debate moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos, I am reminded by a famous quip from a famous Chicago ink-stained wretch.Mike Royko. Now off the planet. The Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist left the Chicago Sun-Times for the Tribune after it was sold to Rupert Murdoch with the parting shot: "No self-respecting fish would be wrapped in a Murdoch paper." No self-respecting person would wrap themselves in the plethora of Praying Mantis political analysis following what appeared to be a debate wrapped in a Murdoch paper. It was like the National Enquirer dug up all the UFO reporters. Executive summary: Hillary admits Obama can beat McCain but "I can do a better job." Obama: "I am the better candidate but she can win." Obama's fresh garbage stinks more than Hillary's rotting scandals. This after Charlie to Obama on the "bitter" question: "Don't you think some people find it patronizing?"Obama: "Not the first time I've manged up a...
Time Allotments For ABC News Clinton-Obama Debate In Pennsylvania
2008-04-17 04:14:00
Below are the time allotments for tonight’s ABC News Democratic debate in Pennsylvania between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: This allotment represents total speaking time for each candidate, excluding their opening remarks. Related at Live Blog Of ABC News Clinton-Obama ?Debate? In Pennsylvania (04/16/08) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Time Allotments For ABC News Clinton-Obama Debate In Pennsylvania", url: "" });
Live Blog Of ABC News Clinton-Obama ?Debate? In Pennsylvania
2008-04-17 01:36:00
Tonight, ABC News will be hosting a debate in Pennslvania between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. We’ll be liveblogging the debate, as usual, so stay tuned… 8:00: Introductory statements. Obama talks about hope, Clinton talks about the founding fathers and concern. Also that government is not standing up for people across America; almost that they’re ...SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Live Blog Of ABC News Clinton-Obama “Debate” In Pennsylvania", url: "" });
PREVIEW: ABC News Democratic Debate In Pennsylvania Between Hillary Clinton
2008-04-16 23:52:00
Tonight, ABC News will be hosting a debate in Pennsylvania between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.  The debate will air live at 8PM EST (7PM CST) on ABC and will be moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos.  If you’re looking to watch the debate online, you can find a live stream here. If you’re a ...SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "PREVIEW: ABC News Democratic Debate In Pennsylvania Between Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama", url: "" });
ABC News: Sources: 'Principals' OK'd Harsh Tactics
2008-04-11 19:11:00
In dozens of top-secret talks and meetings in the White House, details of how high-value al Qaeda suspects " href="">the most senior Bush administration officials discussed and approved specific details of how high-value al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central Intelligence Agency, sources tell ABC News. The so-called Principals who participated in the meetings also approved the use of "combined" interrogation techniques -- using different techniques during interrogations, instead of using one method at a time -- on terrorist suspects who proved difficult to break, sources said. Highly placed sources said a handful of top advisers signed off on how the CIA would interrogate top al Qaeda suspects -- whether they would be slapped, pushed, deprived of sleep or subjected to simulated drowning, called waterboarding. And here's the document, it's in PDF format. When someone's declared war on you, the...
Disney - Abc News To Focus On Web Content
2008-04-10 08:26:00
Disney CEO Robert Iger acknowledged that 
ABC News Walks on the Fightin' Side of Blankenship
2008-04-04 01:07:00
"Massey Energy Co. CEO Don Blankenship threatened to shoot an ABC News producer and physically attacked him when the newsman tried to interview the coal company executive in a parking lot near Blankenship's office," The Associated Press reports, quoting a network spokesman.The Charleston Daily Mail also has a story about the alleged tussle "in the parking lot of the Massey Energy chief's Kentucky office.""ABC is working on a story about Blankenship's relationship with state Supreme Court Chief Justice Elliott 'Spike' Maynard," AP explains. "The two were photographed vacationing in Monaco in July 2006 while Massey had cases pending before the court."Blankenship told the Daily Mail "he grabbed the reporter's shirt Tuesday but only after the reporter aggressively shoved a camera in his face and hit him in the chest with it."As AP relates, Blankenship then says "the producer grabbed his arm and he grabbed the producer's chest to keep his balance. Blankenship said he slowly moved ...
ABC News Attacks Christian Faith (Again)
2008-03-28 10:45:00
A piece chosen for promotion by ABC News (owned by Disney, a “Family Company”) ran yesterday on March 27, 2008 - another in an extensive thread of anti-Christian rhetoric from the organization over the last several years. The headline read, Parents’ Faith Fails to Save Diabetic Girl, with this tagline: “Cops Mull Charges ...
ABC News Attacks Christian Faith (Again)
2008-03-28 10:45:00
A piece chosen for promotion by ABC News (owned by Disney, a “Family Company”) ran yesterday on March 27, 2008 - another in an extensive thread of anti-Christian rhetoric from the organization over the last several years. The headline read, Parents’ Faith Fails to Save Diabetic Girl, with this tagline: “Cops Mull Charges After ...
Anti-Graft Court Clears Bhutto's Widower - ABC News
2008-03-18 00:00:00
ABC NewsAnti-Graft Court Clears Bhutto's WidowerABC News -Mar 14, 2008Asif Ali Zardari, widower of slain opposition leader Benazir Bhutto and co-chairman of Pakistan People's Party shares a light moment with journalists prior ... More: continued here
ABC News Swallows Diane Sawyer's Piece
2008-03-17 13:20:00
Hooker piece she did two years ago. ABC now inured to prostitution after the media wall-to-wall Eliot Spitzer sex shenanigans. "Prudish rivals posed a bigger problem. Some claimed the piece was disgraceful ? shameless pandering by the news division for ratings." Rush & Molloy NYDN "Prostitution in America: Working Girls Speak" runs Friday on "20/20." See more ABC News shameless ratings-driven pandering as newsmagazines' numbers continue to shrink faster than Eliot Spitzer's dick. Brian Stelter TV Decoder NYTIf CBS News brass had balls they'd pay a hooker $5,500 an hour to cover her orifices and anchor ratings disaster "The Early Show." LA Times
ABC News Posts The Latest Suppressed Pentagon Papers
2008-03-14 07:13:00
I had no doubt that it wouldn’t be long before the Pentagon study showing that there was no connection between Saddam and al Qaeda would be available on line, despite the attempts of the Bush administration to prevent this. ABC News has obtained a copy and has posted it on line here (pdf file).
ABC News: Living Near Chernobyl: Families Unafraid [Digg]
2008-03-02 09:18:00
Jocelyn Hoyt is a normal six-year-old girl. She enjoys going to the park and playing with her friends. But she is American and both the park and her friends are Ukrainian.
ABC News: Is China Losing Its Edge?
2008-02-22 23:05:00
The teddy bears selling for $1.40 in Shanghai's IKEA store may be just about the cheapest in town, but they're not made in China they're stitched and stuffed in Indonesia. The fluffy brown toys reflect a new challenge for China: Its huge economy, which has long offered some of the world's lowest manufacturing costs, is losing its claim on cheapness as factories get squeezed by rising prices for energy, materials and labor.environmental standards" href="">Those expenses, plus higher taxes and stricter enforcement of labor and environmental standards, are causing some manufacturers to leave for lower-cost markets such as Vietnam, Indonesia and India. Costs have climbed so much that three-quarters of businesses surveyed by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai believe China is losing its competitive edge. Wait, you mean to tell me that if China doesn't have access to near slave labor and corner cuts th...
Words from ABC News Head Ed Lingao
2008-01-19 11:32:00
An ABC 5 commercial features former ABS-CBN war correspondent Ed Lingao (now Channel 5?s news operations manager) with spiels (this could have been more meaningful if only I remember his exact full lines or embed the actual video): ?Ang tunay na broadcast journalist kinakabahan pero sumusugod pa rin? ?kung wala kang hiya, mahiya ka naman. Kung... [ This is a content summary only. Visit for full links, other content, and more! ]
ABC News Debates: Great to See Republicans and Democrats on the Stage, Toge
2008-01-06 02:45:00
I'll be back after the Democratic part of the ABC Republican, Democratic debates with an analysis, but, for now, let me just say -Kudos to ABC for having both the Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates on stage together, briefly, at the end of the Republican debate (which was excellent).I've never seen anything like this before, and I applaud ABC's daring and innovation for making this happen. It's good to break with precedent - or, to create new ones - and this one is a very good one: It reminds us that all of the candidates, Democratic and Republican, are part of the same process of democracy.More after 11pm.listen to Light On Light Through podcast also iTunes Paul Levinson's books
Live Blog Of ABC News/Fox News/WMUR Democratic Debate In New Hampshire (01/
2008-01-06 02:31:00
This evening, the Democratic presidential candidates will participate in the the ABC News/Facebook/WMUR debate in New Hampshire. The participating candidates are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson and John Edwards. 8:41: The Republican debate has ended and now all the candidates, both Democratic and Republican are on stage. Interesting to see them all together like ...
Live Blog Of ABC News/Fox News/WMUR Republican Debate In New Hampshire (01/
2008-01-06 01:25:00
This evening, the Republican presidential candidates will participate in the the ABC News/Facebook/WMUR debate in New Hampshire. The participating candidates are Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee. 7:00: Charles Gibson is explaining the criteria for being in the debate, not mentioning who was excluded. Gibson says the first 45 minutes ...
Preview: ABC News / Facebook / WMUR New Hampshire Republican And Democratic
2008-01-05 22:51:00
We’re here, we’re credentialed and we’re in the press filing room. Compared to the last debate we attended at this venue, the excitement level and expected number of reporters is significantly more intense. Some random thoughts though… It’s incredibly cold. I’m somewhat surprised by how truly nasty some press folks are. I’m honestly stunned ...
Fox News and ABC News: Missing the Lesson of Mike Huckabee
2008-01-05 01:42:00
I'm looking forward to the round of Presidential debates this weekend, but still can't get over the gall - and slap in the face of the American people - of ABC and Fox News not including some of the lower-tier candidates.In ABC's case, the most egregious dis-invitation comes to Dennis Kucinich, who will not partake in Saturday's debate. For Fox, it's been accorded to Ron Paul, who is barred from the Sunday debate.The situations are different. Kucinich is doing much worse in the polls, national and locally, than Ron Paul - who got 10% in the Iowa Republican caucus. But both candidates offer points of view - the most outspoken against the war, to cite one example - that Americans deserve to hear, and these media have no right to exclude from the debates.Are the memories of these media giants so foggy, or are they so unable or unwilling to learn from recent history, that they forgot that Mike Huckabee, winner of the Iowa Republican caucus, was not much ahead of Ron Paul and De...
Barack Obama Ahead Of Clinton in Iowa 33 to 29; Edwards at 20 In ABC News P
2007-12-19 12:00:00
ABC reports that Barack Obama's ahead of Hillary Clinton 33 to 29 in Iowa, with John Edwards at 20 percent. But what's interesting and smelly to me is that the Huffington Post didn't report that, electing to go with a more obscure poll that shows John Edwards out in front, instead of reporting on both polls.That's not right. Here's the news the Huff Post doesn't want you to see: Currently, among likely Democratic caucus-goers in this ABC News/Washington Post poll, 33 percent support Obama, 29 percent Clinton and 20 percent Edwards, with single-digit support for the other Democratic candidates Yep. He's in front, and in of all places an ABC Poll, which is certainly giving them fits, as they've been trying to bury him in subtle ways for months. Not again. ABC and CNN and Huff Post should deal with the fact that no one trusts them and their attempts to manipulate public opinion are seen as distrespectful of the voting process and of Americans.
WHO to Investigate Pakistan Bird Flu (ABC News)
2007-12-18 00:00:00
WHO Bird Flu Experts to Investigate if Pakistan Outbreak Was Spread Through Human Contact Read full story
Ron Paul - ABC News Fix Has Interview Only On Web
2007-12-13 11:54:00
This is a terrible bit of news I got from Andrew Sulivan and which he got from The Huff Post's Matt Simon. Apparently Congressman Ron Paul gave an interview to ABC News' John Stossel -- one that ABC didn't show on television, but confined to the World Wide Web. This is the latest and ultimate example of a mainstream media fix that has been in the works in different forms, from polling to television coverage. New Media to the rescue as bloggers and vloggers uncover a fix that would have determined the election in the past. No more. According to Matt Simon, Stossel wrote this:Despite relatively low poll numbers, Paul has had a big influence on the presidential campaign. That's in part because he's raised a ton of money, and in part because of the passionate following he has on the Web. It's one reason we're posting my interview with Paul only on the Internet, where the debate about Paul is very active. In fact, he's the most Googled presidential candidate.Yeah, right.An...
ABC News Good to the Last Drop in its Dissing of Ron Paul
2007-12-13 01:27:00
Several people emailed me about this - but Jason Gordon was the first, early yesterday, and he gets the credit. (Two other early correspondents were Matt Caverhill, and Lee on MySpace.) The world at large - all of you, via your Internet connections - are the eyes and ears and witnesses of the mass media doing right and wrong. Our democracy depends upon you.This is not the worst thing that ABC has done to Ron Paul, his supporters, and thereby our democratic process - no closing down online boards in the middle of discussions, no leaving Ron Paul out of post-debate analyses, as ABC did earlier this year - but it's bad enough to warrant taking permanent note.As Matt Simon writes about in detail in the Huffington Post, ABC shunted John Stossel's interview with Ron Paul, intended for television broadcast, to its Internet site.Now, there's nothing wrong with the Internet, and ABC is of course entitled to decide where and how to publish its interviews ... but, who is ABC kidding here? ...
ABC News, American Spectator: McCain down, but not out
2007-12-11 19:56:00
A number of people have written presidential hopeful John McCain off as too much of a long shot to win the Republican nomination.  And without a doubt he has a lot of catching up to do.  But as Dan Hoover noted yesterday with Fred Thompson, he still has a path to victory. It will not be ...

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